From behind he could be mistaken for a child standing at just 29 inches tall – But in fact he is 50 years old

Basori Lal, from Madhya Pradesh in India, has become a hero in his village and is regularly visited by curious travellers from the surrounding area.

An Indian man has become a local celebrity – because he’s 50 years old and only 29 inches tall. Basori Lal, from Madhya Pradesh in India, has become a hero in his village and is regularly visited by curious travellers from the surrounding area. Basori was born an average height but his family noticed he stopped growing at the age of five.

Basori Lal, 50-year-old man, who is only 29 inches tall is seen on june 17, 2017 in Madhya Pradesh, India (Photo: Profimedia)

As reported by MailOnline, Basori was never given a medical diagnosis, and to this day, his relatives have no idea what caused him to be so short.

Basori said: ‘I don’t have a problem with my height. I work, live and sleep like other people. I also eat like normal people. Whatever I am is okay. I don’t face any problems because of my height.’

Photo: Profimedia

As Basori grew older, he encountered some tough times and experienced some bullying in his village, but thankfully those days are past.

He said: ‘People used to bully me a lot. They used to call me an alien. But that time is gone now. I am the only one who is being loved by the villagers.’

Photo: Profimedia

Now, at the age of 50, Basori lives happily with his brother Gopi and Gopi’s wife Satia. The 50-year-old works in a factory with his relatives, and says he enjoys a glass of whiskey every night before bed. He has never married and says he doesn’t want to.

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