She pressed her pregnant belly against the glass, and what the tiger did next left everyone absolutely stunned

Pregnant Mom Takes Selfie With Tiger, But Watch What Happens When She Notices Her ‘Bump’.


When the “wild” and the “tame” meet in the middle the results can be quite magical. That’s exactly what happened when Natasha Handshoe visited Indiana’s Potawatomi Zoo. Natasha, who is 27 weeks pregnant, was excited to see that one of the female tigers had come close to the glass. She went over and sat down right next to her and tried to take a selfie.

A sweet moment caught on video

As she did so, the tiger started pawing at the glass. She stood up on the ledge and pressed her round belly against the glass, and what the tiger did next left her – and everyone watching – absolutely stunned. As Natasha put her belly up to the glass, the tiger began to nuzzle her face up against it. Natasha’s friend captured the incredible moment on her phone and the video has since gone viral.

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Somehow that tiger was able to sense that Natasha was carrying a baby and, despite the difference in species, her mother’s love came through clearly.

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