Toddler befriends monkey tribe: Little boy as boss of monkey gang

Samarth Bangari, the two-years-old toddler has unsual friendshio with the monkeys of his his village in Hubli in southern India.

This Indian toddler has struck an unusual friendship with monkeys twice his size. Samarth Bangari, two, leaves everyone amused in his village in Hubli in southern India for his unbelievable friendship with Vervet monkeys. The adorable toddler shares his food and plays with a barrel of these monkeys in his courtyard as they visit him, some brave ones even entering his bedroom to wake him up, every morning at sharp 6 am. In the afternoons, when Samarth comes back from play school and finds the gathering waiting patently outside his home, the little boy runs to the kitchen to load food in his trouser and shirt pockets for his tailed friends.

The toddler shares food and plays with the monkeys everyday in his courtyard as they visit him. Samarth Bangari, the two-years-old toddler has unsual friendshio with the monkeys of his his village in Hubli in southern India (Photo: Profimedia)
Samarth Bangari, the two-years-old toddler has unsual friendshio with the monkeys of his his village in Hubli in southern India (Photo: Profimedia)
(Photo: Profimedia)
(Photo: Profimedia)
(Photo: Profimedia)
Samarth Bangari, the two-years-old toddler has unsual friendshio with the monkeys of his his village in Hubli in southern India (Photo: Profimedia)
The parents of the little toddler leave him out to play with the monkeys while his mum completes her daily chores (Photo: Profimedia)
The monkeys has been visiting Samarth since he was six months old (Photo: Profimedia)

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