Thousands of deadly Jellyfish: One wrong move and you are dead in a second!

Thousands of deadly Jellyfish take over the shore in Australia.

A shocked beachgoer who posed with thousands of alien-like blue jellyfish washed ashore feared he would DIE if he fell into them. Brett Wallensky discovered the huge wriggling mass of Bluebottles a relative of the venomous Portugese Man oWar at Barlings Beach in New South Wales.

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Epic Baby Gender Reveals!

Gender reveals have been a big trend as of late – whether it’s a big party or just the immediate family, it’s a fun and creative way to announce the arrival of the new addition! But, as with anything, things can go wrong – if there’s an elaborate reveal, something may go awry, and let’s not mention the reaction of the soon-to-be siblings!