Which is funnier? Cats who think they are dogs? Birds talking and saying some REALLY funny stuff? Or pets doing human-like things? \n\nHere are my Top 3 favorite clips in this FUNNY pet videos compilation: \n1. Who let the dogs out [in?] – (first video) – I am not sure this kitteh really knew what it was in for when opening the door. I assume it was trying to go outside but before you know it… 3 dogs came rushing in! SURPRISE! \n2. Listen to the Bird… you’re a good boy!! – (1:01) – When in doubt, listen to the birds!! Mostly because they are funnier than some of the funniest comedians I have seen!\n3. What sound does a bird make? – (3:48) – if you ask the birds in the following clips … birds bark. YUP… birds bark like dogs (LOL).
It is hard to pick a favorite in this hilarious copy-cat animals compilation!

ANIMALS ARE WILD! Talking Birds, Cats Who Think They’re Dogs, Animals Doing Hooman Things.